Saturday, August 14, 2010

Market day in Kakamega

Wednesdays and Saturdays are the big market days in Kakamega.
Here are a few photos from my wanderings-

Shoes - we have black, or black
Cloth for sale
Joy and Josephine were hoping i was in the market for a wife or two!

Sewing for a living.


Pots for sale

Mangoes from a cool hat guy

Fingerlings from Lk Victoria - tried them-no thanks!

Onions and tomatoes
Bicycle boda boda - very common taxis to get around cheaply
Dudes selling wigs
Cassava root

1 comment:

  1. Good to see the photos and hear about the girls. You seem to have settled in well despite being a lapsed Ulster Prod! Looking forward to following your adventure.
